Saturday 2 September 2017

Google and Facebook pledge $1m toward flood relief victims in INDIA - NEPAL - BANGLADESH - GOOGLE TO DONATE 10 LAKH DOLLARS


Google and Facebook have both pledged to donate $1m each to relief efforts across South Asia following the extreme flooding and landslides that have killed 1200 people so far.

Google is donating to Goonj and Save the Children (SC) charities to aid with their relief efforts in India and across South Asia.

Facebook is also launching a fundraising campaign for Save the Children. All fees will be waived and funds raised will go to support local relief efforts.

Facebook said in a statement: "Given the immense needs that communities across South Asia are facing following severe flooding and landslides, today we're announcing that we're donating $1 million to organizations on the ground providing relief and recovery support."

Rajan Anandan, vice president, South East Asia and India at Google, said: "This summer, millions of people have been affected by severe flooding and landslides across Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. At least 1,200 people are known to have died, and tens of thousands of houses, schools, and hospitals have been destroyed, leaving people in urgent need of support during and after flood waters recede."

"Children are often the most vulnerable in crises like these, and SC is also focused on setting up child-friendly spaces where children can gain access to educational materials and playtime, in a safe space away from the devastation," he added.

Save the Children and Goonj are providing food and livelihood support, temporary shelter materials, hygiene items, and water source restoration to those affected by floods.

Google earlier activated SOS Alerts for the flooding in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

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